About Just A Dabble


Registered Nurse by day, at home candle maker by night.


Hi! My name is Alli, and I am the owner and creator of Just A Dabble. As you saw, I am a registered nurse. I graduated from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA in December of 2019 with my BSN. After graduation, I moved to Rosharon, Texas to start my nursing career in the Medical Center. After becoming a nurse, I realized just how crazy of a career I had entered, and I soon began searching for ways to cope with the enormous stress. My first step in this destress attempt was becoming a school nurse. This gave me the time and opportunity to pursue other hobbies. I thought and thought of what I could do to fill my empty time and busy brain… in comes candles! I wanted something that I could just DABBLE in. Something that didn’t require it to be my full time job, but something fun to do on the weekends.

I burn candles constantly in my home. Not only do I love the aromatic scents, it calms my racing thoughts, and provides me with a soothing sense of warm and coziness. Lighting a candle, curling up in my fuzzy blanket with my pup, and turning on NCIS with a snack in hand is my ultimate go to for relieving my stressed body and mind. This is why I started my journey of making my own candles. Not only is it a fun project for me, it allows me to know exactly what ingredients are going in my candles, and I get to customize the scents and colors.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!